

Welcome to Noise 101, home of metal production and guitar recording.
Here is a brief summary of what, where, why and when. Enjoy your stay.

It's really all about knowledge - An ensemble of information regarding the recording of the heavier end of music.

In my unhealthy interest with recording I would spend hours gathering info about how the "real" bands and producers do it, and I had amassed a pretty decent collection of tips, tricks and real world examples…. and being such a nice guy, I thought I would share. :)

All information is given to be as accurate as possible. Rumours and here-say are not included in the principles of this site and will not be included.

The vast majority of the information was compiled from the ultimate metal's Andy Sneap forum at http://www.ultimatemetal.com

It must be remembered though, and this is something which strikes me more and more as I get into this recording lark…good gear is something, and should generally be striven for, but there is NOTHING like experience.
Go try these things for yourself.
Make mistakes, and learn, but over everything….have fun.



My Recording history
I've always enjoyed the DIY approach to doing things, mainly inspired by a lack of cash, but right from the get go I wanted to record my own riffs and tunes. This started with a ghetto blaster facing another ghetto blaster, record a rhythm on one, then play it and record the rhythm and guitar on the other. Rough as it was, this was fascinating for a 15 year-old version of me. Cash and technological advances through time led to increasingly professional set-ups including a Fostex cassette 4-track, Sony mini-disc 8-track until many years later I peaked with a RME multiface into a dedicated DAW. This was when I was regularly recording local bands from my small home studio- FeRoX studios.

I folded FeRoX studios because the "control room" became my daughters bedroom. A very different use but often just as noisy!

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Colin Richardson's Bu!let for my Valentine guitar settings

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